Παρασκευή 29 Αυγούστου 2014


Παρασκευή 19/9 & Σάββατο 20/9
Κυριακή 21/9, 11.00-13.00


Πρόγραμμα των Διδασκαλιών

 Ημέρα 1
1. Γενική Εισαγωγή στην Φύση του Βούδα
2. Πρώτη Άσκηση, με καθαρό κίνητρο για να επωφεληθούν όλοι
3. Απλή Shamatha
4. Ερωτήσεις και απαντήσεις

Ημέρα 2
1. Εξήγηση της εργασίας της Σαντάνα με την Τάρα,
2. Εισάγωγή στην άσκηση της Tara σε βήματα/ οπτικοποίηση και βοήθεια προς τον εαυτό μας και τους άλλους
3. Άσκηση, Οδηγώντας στην άσκηση της Τάρα με την επανάληψη του # 2 & 3
4. Ερωτήσεις & απαντήσεις

Ημέρα 3 
1. Άσκηση, Εισαγωγή σε ένα "συμπυκνωμένο" επίπεδο 2 της Tara κατά τη διάρκεια της απαγγελίας
2. Ερωτήσεις και απαντήσεις


Friday, September 19 & Saturday, September 20,
and Sunday, September 21, 11.00-13.00


Schedule of Teachings

Day 1 - Evening 
1. General Intro to Buddha Nature
We are perfect, definition: pure kind awake, inner qualities
We possess BN same essence as fully realized B.
Not connected to it but as have it we can also be Bs.
Affirm & accept, know the destination, need the map
Otherwise chemist & digestion
Then train

2. First Practice, With the pure motivation to benefit all Create the environment
Mentally world not ordinary
Sublime ourselves & others
Begin session:
Expelling the stale breath
Straighten back
Tara or Teacher in the sky in front
Teacher hear me, 1 round of a rosary
4 empowerments
Think for the benefit of countless SB
Tara in the sky in front simple visualiztion. P.84 gypsy
Refuge & Bodihchitta

3. Simple Shamatha
Explain purity of the deity, wisdom capability, healing, regenerative
Actual visualization, statue, painting photo, describe
Close eyes sometimes, regain image; then reopen
Dedicate the merit

Q & A

Day 2 - Evening
1. Explain Sadhana working with Tara,
pure energy, blessed figure, BN same
practice purifies what prevents us from recognizing & sustaining the natural face
mind becomes pliable & less fixated on coarse reality
We are trying to affect the immaterial by connecting with pure phenomena that have a transformative power. The profound methods of devotion to and pure perception of an enlightened being can become an alchemical component of change for the benefit of oneself and others.
Mixing Kriya & Ati ask for something
New ideas about psychology + chemicals positive for change
Clarity aspect, mindfulness imprisons mind
Causal vehicle
Fruition vehicle, we aare already buddhas
Sadhana imitate the perfect
change our self image, secure self
purify our obscurations
benefit others
make us capable to handle situations

2. Introduce Tara Practice steps visualization & helping self & others

3. Practice, Lead into Tara Practice with repetition of the # 2 & 3
Start for preliminary
Build up visualization

4. Questions & answers

Day 3 - Morning
Do practice introduce a condensed level 2 Tara during recitation
Q & A

Biography of the Teacher

Marcia Binder Schmidt [Dechen Wangmo] lived at the feet of one of the greatest Tibetan Masters of meditation for 17 years at the epicenter of unfolding events of Dharma that crossed many oceans. Her experience as an American amidst this older generation of lamas is quite important for Dharma students from the West. She is a renowned Buddhist translator, editor and writer. Together with Erik Pema Kunsang, she established Rangjung Yeshe Institute that has been dedicated to offering educational and practice support for practitioners and scholars of Tibetan Buddhism. Since its inception in 1981, Rangjung Yeshe Institute has held seminars and retreats around the world for thousands of students. In 1997 this Institute was expanded to include a more scholastic approach, which now offers B. A., M.A., and PHD degrees in language and philosophy. In 1986 as an offshoot of this Institute, Erik and she created Rangjung Yeshe Publications. (www.rangjung.com). They have translated and produced over sixty-two titles that have been translated into thirteen different languages. Marcia has helped to develop retreat centers and study groups all over the world and has begun to teach in recent years, sharing her humor and human approach to traditional Tibetan Buddhist practice.

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