Τρίτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013



Παρασκευή 18, Σάββατο 19 & Κυριακή 20 Οκτωβρίου, 
ώρα: 7-9 μμ

(στο ΟΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ, Πτολεμαίων 29Α, 5ος όροφος)

ΕΙΣΟΔΟΣ: 5 ευρώ/ημέρα
Εισιτήριο Τριημέρου: 10 Ευρώ

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Σημείωση: Η συνηθισμένη άσκηση της Παρασκευής δεν θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Κέντρο μας στις 
18 Οκτωβρίου λόγω των προβολών του φεστιβάλ της "Θιβετανικής Τριλογίας" στο Οικόπολις. 
Σας περιμένουμε όλους εκεί! https://www.facebook.com/events/373522286110774/


PARAMITA PRODUCTIONS presents a 3 day program with documentary film on 2 DVDs:
and supporting photo exhibition

This is a sinopsys to create a Tibetan Buddhist Vajrayana documentary film and photo exhibit event in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Author of film "TIBETAN TRINITY" will upon agrement come to visit your space: your Dharma center, your gallery or your showroom. Three days event will present each day one story from this 3 stories documentary film along with 21 custom made arhival quality photographs from Himalaya on the walls.
Also a conversation and question/answer session on life, death and time from Tibetan Vajrayana Buddist perspective will take place after each of 3 film stories.

“TIBETAN TRINITY” film starts in Sikkim near Darjeeling at Sonoda monastery the seat of His Eminence Kalu Rinpoche; who in his previous incarnation was revered as one of most realized masters of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and who worked tiredlessly on spreading the non sectarian Tibetan Buddha Dharma in Europe, USA and around the world. This part of the film is a close up record of first appearances of new incarnation of Kalu Rinpoche recognized in a 2-year-old boy; ceremonies of making the Mandala, with crown on the throne and a very special visit of His Holiness Sakya Trizin Rinpoche who, for this rare occasion, bestowed Manjushri initiation.

“TIBETAN TRINITY” documentary film continues in Rumtek monastery near capital city of Gantok, Sikkim; the seat of His Holiness Karmapa. There and also on the grounds of Nalanda institute for higher buddhist studies are recorded activities and pujas during all of 49 days of Paranirvana ceremonies marking tragic passing and a funeral of His Eminence Jamgon Kontrul Rinpoche. This part of the film covers many historic and anthropologically speaking valuable and rare ceremonies and activities including 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche and Gyaltsap Rinpoche ceremonial opening of Karmapa's prediction letter for HH Sakya Terzin Rinpoche, as well as powerful personal experiences of Jamnog Kontrul's mother and close lamas and students during this extraordinary event of a high lama's passing.

“TIBETAN TRINITY” concludes all the way on the other end of the Himalaya region in Kinnour - a disputed border territory between China and India that was closed for 35 years. China opened a special border pass in that region for this occasion. India temporarily lifted her restriction also. Soon after His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet visited Kinnour. On the foothills of the holy Mt. Kinnour Kailash His Holiness gave 10 days teaching and initiation into the practice of Kalachakra - the Wheel of Time, for World Peace. More than 35,000 people came from Tibet, Ladakh, India, Sikhim, Bhutan and Mongolia… and up to 10 people from the West including the author.
Upon completion His Holiness also bestowed a long life White Tara blessing on a great day on foothills of holy Mt. Kinnour Kailash. Remarkable indeed !

Author of film and photographs and your guest: Vladan Mijatovic Zivojnov

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